4.1 Connecting to our database

Let’s connect to our database.

Loading required package: DBI
── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
✔ dplyr     1.1.4     ✔ readr     2.1.5
✔ forcats   1.0.0     ✔ stringr   1.5.1
✔ ggplot2   3.5.1     ✔ tibble    3.2.1
✔ lubridate 1.9.3     ✔ tidyr     1.3.1
✔ purrr     1.0.2     
── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
ℹ Use the conflicted package (<http://conflicted.r-lib.org/>) to force all conflicts to become errors
con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), 


Say we want to count, calculate totals, or averages for a particular column by a particular grouping variable. We can use a SELECT/GROUP BY pattern to do this.

There are some requirements to using SELECT/GROUP BY:

  • Grouping variable should be categorical (such as c.concept_name)
  • Grouping variable must be in SELECT clause (c.concept_name)

Count the number of persons by gender_source_value:

SELECT gender_source_value, COUNT(person_id) AS person_count
  FROM person
  GROUP BY gender_source_value
2 records
gender_source_value person_count
F 1373
M 1321

Here, we’re combining SELECT/GROUP_BY with an INNER JOIN:

SELECT c.concept_name AS procedure, COUNT(person_id) AS person_count
  FROM procedure_occurrence AS po
  INNER JOIN concept AS c
  ON po.procedure_concept_id = c.concept_id
  GROUP BY c.concept_name
  ORDER BY person_count DESC
Displaying records 1 - 10
procedure person_count
Subcutaneous immunotherapy 17520
Cognitive and behavioral therapy 2820
Suture open wound 2487
Bone immobilization 1789
Sputum examination 1659
Direct current cardioversion 1342
Pulmonary rehabilitation 908
Intramuscular injection 908
Allergy screening test 704
Bone density scan 655

We can group by multiple variables. Here is a triple join where we are counting by both gender_source_value and concept_name:

SELECT c.concept_name AS procedure, p.gender_source_value, COUNT(p.person_id) AS person_count
  FROM procedure_occurrence AS po
  INNER JOIN person AS p
  ON p.person_id = po.person_id
  INNER JOIN concept AS c
  ON po.procedure_concept_id = c.concept_id
  GROUP BY c.concept_name, p.gender_source_value
  ORDER BY person_count DESC
Displaying records 1 - 10
procedure gender_source_value person_count
Subcutaneous immunotherapy F 9480
Subcutaneous immunotherapy M 8040
Cognitive and behavioral therapy M 1872
Suture open wound F 1293
Suture open wound M 1194
Cognitive and behavioral therapy F 948
Bone immobilization F 933
Intramuscular injection F 908
Bone immobilization M 856
Sputum examination M 841

4.2.1 Check on Learning

COUNT the number of concept_ids grouped by domain_id in the concept table:

SELECT domain_id, COUNT(------) AS count_domain
  FROM concept
  GROUP BY -------
  ORDER BY count_domain DESC


We can filter by these aggregate variables. But we can’t use them in a WHERE clause. There is an additional clause HAVING:

SELECT c.concept_name AS procedure, COUNT(person_id) AS person_count
  FROM procedure_occurrence AS po
  INNER JOIN concept AS c
  ON po.procedure_concept_id = c.concept_id
  GROUP BY c.concept_name
  HAVING person_count > 500
  ORDER BY person_count DESC
Displaying records 1 - 10
procedure person_count
Subcutaneous immunotherapy 17520
Cognitive and behavioral therapy 2820
Suture open wound 2487
Bone immobilization 1789
Sputum examination 1659
Direct current cardioversion 1342
Intramuscular injection 908
Pulmonary rehabilitation 908
Allergy screening test 704
Bone density scan 655

Why can’t we use WHERE? WHERE is actually evaluated before SELECT/GROUP_BY, so it has no idea that the aggregated variables exist. Remember SQL clause priorities?. WHERE is priority 2, and GROUP BY/HAVING are priorities 3 and 4.

In general, you need to put WHERE before GROUP BY/HAVING. Your SQL statement will not work if you put WHERE after GROUP BY / HAVING.

Here is an example of using both WHERE and HAVING:

SELECT domain_id, COUNT(concept_id) AS count_domain
  FROM concept
  WHERE domain_id != 'Drug'
  GROUP BY domain_id
  HAVING count_domain > 40
  ORDER BY count_domain DESC
3 records
domain_id count_domain
Condition 86
Measurement 59
Procedure 54
sql_statement <- "EXPLAIN SELECT domain_id, COUNT(concept_id) AS count_domain
  FROM concept
  WHERE domain_id != 'Drug'
  GROUP BY domain_id
  HAVING count_domain > 40
  ORDER BY count_domain DESC"

DBI::dbGetQuery(con, sql_statement)
│         PROJECTION        │
│    ────────────────────   │
│           g(#0)           │
│             #1            │
│                           │
│          ~1 Rows          │
│          ORDER_BY         │
│    ────────────────────   │
│    count(GiBleed_5.main   │
│ .concept.concept_id) DESC │
│         PROJECTION        │
│    ────────────────────   │
│        hugeint(#0)        │
│             #1            │
│                           │
│          ~1 Rows          │
│           FILTER          │
│    ────────────────────   │
│    (count_domain > 40)    │
│                           │
│          ~1 Rows          │
│         PROJECTION        │
│    ────────────────────   │
│           g(#0)           │
│             #1            │
│                           │
│          ~7 Rows          │
│       HASH_GROUP_BY       │
│    ────────────────────   │
│         Groups: #0        │
│                           │
│        Aggregates:        │
│        count_star()       │
│                           │
│          ~7 Rows          │
│         PROJECTION        │
│    ────────────────────   │
│         domain_id         │
│                           │
│          ~88 Rows         │
│         PROJECTION        │
│    ────────────────────   │
│        hugeint(#0)        │
│             #1            │
│                           │
│          ~88 Rows         │
│         SEQ_SCAN          │
│    ────────────────────   │
│       Table: concept      │
│    Type: Sequence Scan    │
│                           │
│        Projections:       │
│         domain_id         │
│         concept_id        │
│                           │
│          Filters:         │
│     domain_id!='Drug'     │
│                           │
│          ~88 Rows         │

Here’s what happens when you put WHERE after GROUP BY/HAVING:

SELECT domain_id, COUNT(concept_id) AS count_domain
  FROM concept
  GROUP BY domain_id
  HAVING count_domain > 40
  WHERE domain_id != 'Drug'
  ORDER BY count_domain DESC

Here is WHERE/GROUP BY/HAVING combined with an INNER JOIN:

SELECT c.concept_name AS procedure, COUNT(person_id) AS person_count
  FROM procedure_occurrence AS po
  INNER JOIN concept AS c
  ON po.procedure_concept_id = c.concept_id
  WHERE date_part('YEAR', po.procedure_datetime) > 2000
  GROUP BY c.concept_name
  HAVING person_count > 500
  ORDER BY person_count DESC
4 records
procedure person_count
Direct current cardioversion 1031
Subcutaneous immunotherapy 705
Suture open wound 697
Pulmonary rehabilitation 611

We can group by year by first extracting it from po.procedure_datetime and using an alias year:

SELECT date_part('YEAR', po.procedure_datetime) AS year, COUNT(po.person_id) AS procedure_count
  FROM procedure_occurrence AS po
  INNER JOIN concept AS c
  ON po.procedure_concept_id = c.concept_id
  GROUP BY year
  ORDER BY procedure_count DESC
Displaying records 1 - 10
year procedure_count
1992 4717
1990 4599
1991 4506
1993 2843
1997 725
1995 690
1996 685
1994 614
1998 598
1999 455


A couple of twists to WHERE. We can use IN to search on multiple conditions. We put the multiple words in a () separated by commas:

SELECT concept_name, domain_id 
  FROM concept
  WHERE domain_id IN ('Drug', 'Condition')
Displaying records 1 - 10
concept_name domain_id
celecoxib 200 MG Oral Capsule [Celebrex] Drug
pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, 23 valent Drug
Alendronate Drug
Ampicillin 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution Drug
celecoxib 200 MG Oral Capsule [Celebrex] Drug
rotavirus, live, monovalent vaccine Drug
Midazolam Drug
Diclofenac Sodium 75 MG Delayed Release Oral Tablet Drug
Diclofenac Sodium 75 MG Delayed Release Oral Tablet Drug
tetanus and diphtheria toxoids, adsorbed, preservative free, for adult use Drug

We can use NOT with IN to exclude a list of conditions:

SELECT concept_name, domain_id 
  FROM concept
  WHERE domain_id NOT IN ('Drug', 'Condition')
Displaying records 1 - 10
concept_name domain_id
Coronary artery bypass graft Procedure
Intramuscular injection Procedure
Protein serum/plasma Measurement
Surgical manipulation of shoulder joint Procedure
Neonatal screening Procedure
Honey bee IgE Ab [Units/volume] in Serum Measurement
Erythrocyte distribution width [Ratio] Measurement
Removal of subcutaneous contraceptive Procedure
Cladosporium herbarum IgE Ab [Units/volume] in Serum Measurement
Common Ragweed IgE Ab [Units/volume] in Serum Measurement

One note. It is usually faster to make a temporary table with your values and join on that temporary table. We’ll talk more about this below.

LIKE is one way to do wild card searches.

SELECT concept_name, domain_id 
  FROM concept
  WHERE domain_id LIKE 'Dru%'
Displaying records 1 - 10
concept_name domain_id
celecoxib 200 MG Oral Capsule [Celebrex] Drug
pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, 23 valent Drug
Alendronate Drug
Ampicillin 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution Drug
celecoxib 200 MG Oral Capsule [Celebrex] Drug
rotavirus, live, monovalent vaccine Drug
Midazolam Drug
Diclofenac Sodium 75 MG Delayed Release Oral Tablet Drug
Diclofenac Sodium 75 MG Delayed Release Oral Tablet Drug
tetanus and diphtheria toxoids, adsorbed, preservative free, for adult use Drug

4.5 Creating Temporary Tables

Temporary tables can be very useful when you are trying to merge on a list of concepts, or for storing intermediate results.

Temporary tables only last for the session - they disappear after you disconnect, so don’t use them for permanent storage.

Here is the csv (comma separated value) file that we’re going to load in:

Rows: 51 Columns: 3
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (1): concept_name
dbl (2): procedure_concept_id, cost

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# A tibble: 51 × 3
   concept_name                          procedure_concept_id  cost
   <chr>                                                <dbl> <dbl>
 1 Cognitive and behavioral therapy                   4043071  3300
 2 Nasal sinus endoscopy                              4010253  3000
 3 Intubation                                         4202832  4000
 4 Removal of subcutaneous contraceptive              4199276  1800
 5 Radiography of humerus                             4047491  2300
 6 Radiologic examination of knee                     4252419  4100
 7 Lung volume reduction surgery                      4323902   730
 8 Sputum examination                                 4151422  4000
 9 Percutaneous coronary intervention                 4216130  1800
10 Injection of epinephrine                           4197460  2600
# ℹ 41 more rows

We use CREATE TEMP TABLE to create a temp table. We will need to specify the data types of the columns before we can add data to it. We are using CREATE OR REPLACE in the below chunk to prevent errors when we run it, just in case we have run it before.

Then we can use COPY from DuckDB to load it in:

  concept_name VARCHAR,
  procedure_concept_id INT,
  cost INT
COPY cost FROM 'data/temp_cost.csv'

DuckDB also is smart enough to infer the column types and names from the data:

  SELECT * FROM read_csv('data/temp_cost.csv')

Now our table exists in our database, and we can work with it.

Displaying records 1 - 10
concept_name procedure_concept_id cost
Cognitive and behavioral therapy 4043071 3300
Nasal sinus endoscopy 4010253 3000
Intubation 4202832 4000
Removal of subcutaneous contraceptive 4199276 1800
Radiography of humerus 4047491 2300
Radiologic examination of knee 4252419 4100
Lung volume reduction surgery 4323902 730
Sputum examination 4151422 4000
Percutaneous coronary intervention 4216130 1800
Injection of epinephrine 4197460 2600
3 records
column_name column_type null key default extra
concept_name VARCHAR YES NA NA NA
procedure_concept_id BIGINT YES NA NA NA

Now we can merge our temporary cost table with procedure_occurrence and calculate the sum cost per year:

SELECT date_part('YEAR', po.procedure_datetime) AS year, SUM(cost) AS sum_cost_month
  FROM procedure_occurrence AS po
  INNER JOIN cost AS c
  ON po.procedure_concept_id = c.procedure_concept_id
  GROUP BY year
Displaying records 1 - 10
year sum_cost_month
2019 619380
2018 1271370
2017 1201430
2016 1122680
2015 1079390
2014 1103730
2013 1084430
2012 1118890
2011 1041720
2010 1015700

We’ll talk much more about subqueries and Views next time, which are another options to split queries up.

4.5.1 Check on Learning

Modify the query below to calculate average cost per month using AVG(cost) named as average_monthly_cost:

SELECT date_part('YEAR', po.procedure_datetime) AS year, SUM(cost)
  FROM procedure_occurrence AS po
  INNER JOIN cost AS c
  ON po.procedure_concept_id = c.procedure_concept_id
  GROUP BY year
Displaying records 1 - 10
year sum(“cost”)
2019 619380
2018 1271370
2017 1201430
2016 1122680
2015 1079390
2014 1103730
2013 1084430
2012 1118890
2011 1041720
2010 1015700

4.6 Data Integrity

We talked a little bit last week about database constraints, such as FOREIGN KEY constraints, where we can’t add a row that refers to a foreign key if that foreign key doesn’t exist.

These constraints exist to ensure the data integrity of a database. For example, we don’t want to have rows in procedure_occurrence that have procedure_concept_id that don’t exist in the concept table.

Another way to keep data integrity is to have all operations be ACID compliant transactions. That is, all operations (inserting and removing rows) needs to be done in full before the next set of transactions (which could come from another user) are done to the database.

ACID is short for:

  • Atomicity - the operation must be all or none
  • Consistency - the operation must be done the same way
  • Isolation - the operation is not dependent on other operations, and is done in series, not parallel.
  • Durability - the operation must be robust to disruptions (like power outages). If a database is interrupted in an update, there must be a rollback mechanism to get the previous version of the data.

Finally, the design of the tables and what information they contain, and how they relate to each other is also important to data integrity. The process of deciding which columns belong to which tables is called normalization.

4.7 Database Design

Database design can be difficult because:

  1. You need to understand the requirements of the data and how it is collected
  1. For example, when is procedure information collected?
  2. Do patients have multiple procedures? (Cardinality)
  1. You need to group like data with like (normalization)
  1. Data that is dependent on a primary key should stay together
  2. For example, person should contain information of a patient such as demographics, but not individual procedure_concept_ids.
  1. You need to have an automated process to add data to the database (Extract Transfer Load, or ETL).
  2. Search processes must be optimized for common operations (indexing)

Of this, steps 1 and 2 are the most difficult and take the most time. They require the designer to interview users of the data and those who collect the data to reflect the business processes. These two steps are called the Data Modeling steps.

These processes are essential if you are designing a transactional database that is collecting data from multiple sources (such as clinicians at time of care) and is updated multiple times a second. For example, bank databases have a rigorous design.

If you want to read more about the data model we’re using, I’ve written up a short bit here: OMOP Data Model.

4.8 Database Administration

Maintaining a database is also known as database administration. Database Admins are responsible for the following:

  1. Making sure that the data maintains its integrity
  2. Ensuring that common queries are optimized for fast loading
  3. General upkeep and optimization. Oftentimes, if multiple people are accessing the data at once, the data may be distributed among multiple machines (load balancing).
  4. Security. We don’t want the wrong people accessing the data.

Being a good admin does not start from scratch. You can’t be a top-tier admin straight out of school. There are a lot of things DB admins learn, but a lot of the optimization happens from experience with managing the data.

Respect your DB Admin and know that they know a lot about how to optimize your queries.

4.9 Always close the connection

When we’re done, it’s best to close the connection with dbDisconnect().