1  Database Concepts

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1.1 What is a Database?

A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. A database is usually controlled by a database management system (DBMS). Together, the data and the DBMS, along with the applications that are associated with them, are referred to as a database system, often shortened to just database. - Oracle Documentation

When we talk about databases, we mean the database system rather than database itself. Specifically, we talk about the different layers of a database system.

1.2 Parts of a Database System

The Composable Codex talks about three layers of a database system:

From the Composable Codex

  1. A user interface - how users interact with the database. In this class, our main way of interacting with databases is SQL (Structured Query Language).
  2. An execution engine - a software system that queries the data in storage. There are many examples of this: SQL Server, MariaDB, DuckDB, Snowflake. These can live on our machine, on a server within our network, or a server on the cloud.
  3. Data Storage - the physical location where the data is stored. This could be on your computer, on the network, or in the cloud (such as an Amazon S3 bucket)

1.3 For this class

In our class, we will use the following configuration:

graph TD
A["1.SQL"] --> B
B["2.DuckDB"] --> C
C["3.File on our Machine"]

Why We’re Using DuckDB in this Course

DuckDB is a very fast, open-source database engine. Because of restrictions on clinical data, sometimes the only way to analyze it is on an approved laptop. DuckDB does wondrous things on laptops, so we hope it will be a helpful tool in your arsenal.

It is what is called an analytical database engine, which means it is very fast for reading and querying data. This is compared to a transactional database engine, which must handle multiple users interacting and inserting data into the database at once.

But you can think of other configurations that might be more applicable to you. For example, a lot of groups at the Hutch use SQL Server:

graph TD
A["1.SQL"] --> B
B["2.SQL Server"] --> C
C["3.FH Shared Storage"]

In many ways, SQL Server and its storage are tightly coupled (the engine and the storage are in the same location). This coupling can make it difficult to migrate out of such systems.

Or, for those who want to use cloud-based systems, we can have this configuration:

graph TD
A["1.SQL/Notebooks"] --> B
B["2.Databricks/Snowflake"] --> C
C["3.Amazon S3"]

In this case, we need to sign into the Databricks system, which is a set of systems that lives in the cloud. We actually will use SQL within their notebooks to write our queries. Databricks will then use the Snowflake engine to query the data that is stored in cloud storage (an S3 bucket).

If this is making you dizzy, don’t worry too much about it. Just know that we can switch out the different layers based on our needs.

1.4 What is SQL?

SQL is short for Structured Query Language. It is a standardized language for querying databases (originally relational databases)

SQL lets us do various operations on data. It contains various clauses which let us manipulate data:

Priority Clause Purpose
1 FROM Choose tables to query and specify how to JOIN them together
2 WHERE Filter tables based on criteria
3 GROUP BY Aggregates the Data
4 HAVING Filters Aggregated Data
5 SELECT Selects columns in table and calculate new columns
6 ORDER BY Sorts by a database field
7 LIMIT Limits the number of records returned

We do not use all of these clauses when we write a SQL Query. We only use the ones we need to get the data we need out.

Oftentimes, we really only want a summary out of the database. We would probably use the following clauses:

Priority Clause Purpose
1 FROM Choose tables to query and specify how to JOIN them together
2 WHERE Filter tables based on criteria
3 GROUP BY Aggregates the Data
5 SELECT Selects columns in table and calculate new columns

Notice that there is a Priority column in these tables. This is important, because parts of queries are evaluated in this order.

Dialects of SQL

You may have heard that the SQL used in SQL Server is different than other databases. In truth, there are multiple dialects of SQL, based on the engine.

However, we’re focusing on the 95% of SQL that is common to all systems. Most of the time, the SQL we’re showing you in this course will get you to where you want to go.

1.5 Anatomy of a SQL Statement

Let’s look at a typical SQL statement:

SELECT person_id, gender_source_value   # Choose Columns
  FROM person                           # Choose the person table
  WHERE year_of_birth < 2000;            # Filter the data using a criterion

We can read this as:

SELECT the person_id and gender_source_value columns
FROM the person table
ONLY Those with year of birth less than 2000 

As you can see, SQL can be read. We will gradually introduce clauses and different database operations.


As a convention, we will capitalize SQL clauses (such as SELECT), and use lowercase for everything else.

1.6 Database Connections

We haven’t really talked about how we connect to the database engine.

In order to connect to the database engine and create a database connection, we may have to authenticate with an ID/password combo or use other methods of authentication to prove who we are.

Once we are authenticated, we now have a connection. This is basically our conduit to the database engine. We can send queries through it, and the database engine will run these queries, and return a result.

graph LR
  A["Our Computer"] --query--> B[Database Engine]
  B --results--> A

As long as the connection is open, we can continue to send queries and receive results.

It is best practice to explicitly disconnect from the database. Once we have disconnected, we no longer have access to the database.

graph LR
  A["Our Computer"] --X--> B[Database Engine]
  B --X--> A

1.7 How is the Data Stored?

Typically, the data in databases is stored in tables, such as the one below:

Displaying records 1 - 10
person_id gender_concept_id year_of_birth month_of_birth day_of_birth birth_datetime race_concept_id ethnicity_concept_id location_id provider_id care_site_id person_source_value gender_source_value gender_source_concept_id race_source_value race_source_concept_id ethnicity_source_value ethnicity_source_concept_id
6 8532 1963 12 31 1963-12-31 8516 0 NA NA NA 001f4a87-70d0-435c-a4b9-1425f6928d33 F 0 black 0 west_indian 0
123 8507 1950 4 12 1950-04-12 8527 0 NA NA NA 052d9254-80e8-428f-b8b6-69518b0ef3f3 M 0 white 0 italian 0
129 8507 1974 10 7 1974-10-07 8527 0 NA NA NA 054d32d5-904f-4df4-846b-8c08d165b4e9 M 0 white 0 polish 0
16 8532 1971 10 13 1971-10-13 8527 0 NA NA NA 00444703-f2c9-45c9-a247-f6317a43a929 F 0 white 0 american 0
65 8532 1967 3 31 1967-03-31 8516 0 NA NA NA 02a3dad9-f9d5-42fb-8074-c16d45b4f5c8 F 0 black 0 dominican 0
74 8532 1972 1 5 1972-01-05 8527 0 NA NA NA 02fbf1be-29b7-4da8-8bbd-14c7433f843f F 0 white 0 english 0
42 8532 1909 11 2 1909-11-02 8527 0 NA NA NA 0177d2e0-98f5-4f3d-bcfd-497b7a07b3f8 F 0 white 0 irish 0
187 8507 1945 7 23 1945-07-23 8527 0 NA NA NA 07a1e14d-73ed-4d3a-9a39-d729745773fa M 0 white 0 irish 0
18 8532 1965 11 17 1965-11-17 8527 0 NA NA NA 0084b0fe-e30f-4930-b6d1-5e1eff4b7dea F 0 white 0 english 0
111 8532 1975 5 2 1975-05-02 8527 0 NA NA NA 0478d6b3-bdb3-4574-9b93-cf448d725b84 F 0 white 0 english 0

Some quick terminology:

  • Database Record - a row in this table. In this case, each row in the table above corresponds to a single person.
  • Database Field - the columns in this table. In our case, each column corresponds to a single measurement, such as birth_datetime. Each column has a specific datatype, which may be integers, decimals, dates, a short text field, or longer text fields. Think of them like the different pieces of information requested in a form.

It is faster and requires less memory if we do not use a single large table, but decompose the data up into multiple tables. These tables are stored in a number of different formats:

  • Comma Separated Value (CSV)
  • A Single File (SQL Server)
  • a virtual file

In a virtual file, the data acts like it is stored in a single file, but is actually many different files underneath that can be on your machine, on the network, or on the cloud. The virtual file lets us interact with this large mass of data as if it is a single file.

The database engine is responsible for scanning the data, either row by row, or column by column. The engines are made to be very fast in this scanning to return relevant records.

Rows versus Columns

Just a quick note about row-based storage vs column-based storage. SQL was originally written for relational databases, which are stored by row.

A new trick is column-based storage. It turns out that it’s actually faster to query the data in many instances when the data in a column is all stored together. These are the formats like Parquet that you might have heard about. A lot of newer database engines rely on the data to be stored in this format.